Counter Intelligence (ICI-34)
Counter Intelligence (ICI-34)

Counter Intelligence (ICI-34)



Sprache: Englisch

Aufrufe gesamt: 1263, letzte 30 Tage: 1



Institut für Competitive Intelligence (ICI)

Telefon: +49-6033-73054

Telefax: +49-6033-74376

Preis: 590,-- € zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst.


Counter Intelligence (ICI-34)Protection against illegal attacks on your enterprise

Information is a company asset which must be categorized, quantified, and protected, just as much as any other asset. The security and protection of information is a management topic, not a technical problem. It is about people and processes.
Technology can help to reduce the risks to your information. Ultimately, it is people who produce these risks. The majority of information loss takes place not only within the organization, but also through suppliers and customers who have regular access to your information systems.
In this workshop, the fundamental forms of threats by corporate espionage will be shown and its defence (Counter Intelligence) will be introduced.

Workshop focus

  • Identification of threatsIdentification and evaluation of information risks
    Analysis of risks for the business against the background of already implemented defence measures
    Monitoring information risks
    Electronic eavesdropping: Eaves­dropping of rooms a reality or fiction?
  • Social engineering
    Eavesdropping on own employees
    Back-door recruitment into a company
    Use of external personnel
    Pretext calls
    Analysis of weak spots and prevention
    Employee training
    Strategies against Social Engineering
  • IT- and TelCo security Attack vectors against data and communica­tion networks
    Weak spot analysis: human factor
    Opportunities and limits of technical solutions
  • Safe communication
    Secure and insecure methods of transferring data
    Defending against attacks on communication structures
    Minimizing the risk of communication
  • The Internet: a threat? Safe research
    Movement of records and data transfer
    Dealing with harmful software
Kein Referent eingetragen
Zeitpunkt Veranstaltungsort Beschreibung Kontaktperson  
05.02.2009 - 06.02.2009
New Orleans