Non functional Product Metrics as Indicators for Organisational Dysfunctions
Non functional Product Metrics as Indicators for Organisational Dysfunctions

Non functional Product Metrics as Indicators for Organisational Dysfunctions

Vortrag, Englisch

Autor: Peter Jetter

Erscheinungsdatum: 11.07.2016

Quelle: Agile World 2016 Konferenz

Aufrufe gesamt: 61, letzte 30 Tage: 2



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Non functional Product Metrics as Indicators for Organisational Dysfunctions

Autor(en): Peter Jetter, improuv
Track: Metriken
Session Host: Björn Jensen
Raum: Forum 3
Datum: Monday, 11.07.2016
Zeit: 11:00


Two real world cases, where organisational dysfunctions became transparent through inspecting non-functional product quality metrics.

Case 1:
A large Information&Telecommunication Technology corporation, selling solutions, which consist of products and services.The focus on measuring products non-functional quality was mostly on performance and reliability. This negatively impacted the cost of delivering product related services (Implementation, Technical Support, Care...).
So why was the priority for POs so low? Answer in the session.

Case 2:
A medium sized enterprise sold products(HW+SW) and product-related services(Consulting, Customisation...). Most focus was on delivering "features", reliability and security, pretty much refecting the sales view of Business Value.
Yet customer satisfaction and sales was going down.
What´s happening? Answer in the session.

Peter Jetter

DE, Gauting


Publikationen: 1

Aufrufe seit 02/2018: 73
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 2