Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing

Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention

Buch, Deutsch, 476 Seiten

Autor: Prof. Dr. Henning Schulze

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Ursula Hansen

Erscheinungsdatum: 18.01.2001

ISBN: 3540669426

Quelle: Relationship Marketing: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention

Aufrufe gesamt: 448, letzte 30 Tage: 1



keine Angaben

Preis: 96,25 €

The focus of marketing is shifting away from transactional marketing and toward relationship marketing. Companies are beginning to recognize the economic value of stable, long-term customer relationships based on a high degree of customer satisfaction, trust, commitment, and loyalty. The book provides a comprehensive overview of both fundamentals and important recent developments in this fast-growing field. It also presents examples of successful relationship marketing in practice. "This book makes a landmark contribution in assembling some of the best contemporary thinking about relationship marketing illustrated with concrete descriptions of companies in the automobile industry, consumer electronics, public utilities and so on, which are implementing relationship marketing. I highly recommend this to all companies who want to see what their future success will require."

Prof. Dr. Henning Schulze

DE, Deggendorf

HDU Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Deggendorf FB Betriebswirtschaft FG Strategisches Marketing, Dienstleistungsmarketing und -management

Publikationen: 4

Veranstaltungen: 7

Aufrufe seit 03/2003: 2346
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1