Toastmasters Leadership Institute 2012
Toastmasters Leadership Institute 2012

Toastmasters Leadership Institute 2012

Kongress / Tagung

Referenten: Dr. Thomas Rose, Carsten Kiess


Sprache: Englisch

Aufrufe gesamt: 87, letzte 30 Tage: 1



Toastmasters an Rhein und Ruhr
Carsten Kiess

Telefon: +49-151-20655866

Preis: 36,-- € inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.


This event is a great opportunity to meet energetic people but maybe even more important to attend some amazing workshops.

While the name sounds strange and is mostly unheard of it is fair to say that Toastmasters International is a major global player in the area of communication and leadership - with more than 13.000 clubs global.

You are invited to join the event and / or recommend it to your friends and colleagues. Over two days there will be 13 workshops about communication, leadership and public speaking.

For 18 Euro per day (including lunch and conference drinks) you will not find many alternatives - especially not in that quality. And with such a great bunch of people! We have 60 people signed up so far.

You can find details about the event here:

Dr. Thomas Rose

DE, Köln

Geschäftsführer, Coach und Consultant

TACHLES Institut für Motivationsanalysen Dr. Thomas Rose

Publikationen: 3

Veranstaltungen: 2

Aufrufe seit 03/2009: 821
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 2

Carsten Kiess

DE, Bonn

amberwiz Carsten Kiess

Veranstaltungen: 1

Aufrufe seit 02/2012: 19
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

Zeitpunkt Veranstaltungsort Beschreibung Kontaktperson  
25.02.2012 - 26.02.2012
A two-day international conference on public speaking, communication and leadership in Bonn, Germany Carsten Kiess oder Thomas Rose Kontaktanfrage